Product Review - "Fix My Hog" – Touring Edition DVD

You might recall our review of this outfit’s Softail Maintenance DVD some months back. That video got points for effort, but some shellacking as well for obvious omissions and trying a little too hard to be too hip.

Well, like all good technician’s should they have learned from these mini-mistakes and are trying very hard to do the best job possible and to earn your trust and hard earned dollars.

That job is to take a neophyte through to sometimes daunting duties of taking care of your own soot… or at least giving you enough insight to know if those you entrust it to do these tasks right. This two-disc set leaves no doubt. Fix My Hog – Touring Edition will save you more than it costs the first time out. It will “Show & Tell” you what you need to know. It will reveal some pretty nifty tips and plenty of no BS techniques. It is laid out in such a manner that you can drop right into the segment that deals with the task(s) you have in mind without wading through excessive “other stuff”. If you have a shop manual, the tools, fluids, bric-a-brac, elbow grease, interest, attitude – and this DVD set – you need never go near a dealership to keep your beast alive and well for it’s entire natural life. Put another way, Fix My Hog has pretty much nailed the mission this time out.

Bob has parked his colloquialisms at the door, on his second video outing, which for me at least leads to the best surprise the touring edition had in store. It’s entertaining to watch! No, not summer blockbuster entertaining – don’t be dense! But I‘ll tell you right now, if the best you can muster on the tube is your third viewing of an Everybody Loves Raymond re-run, some bird house building on the DIY channel – this video becomes a viable alternative. ‘Course the primary motivation increases exponentially if you happen to have a “Twinkie” Bagger out in the shed – just dyin’ for a little basic service. But it’s true, just the same. What a concept!

Like self-service maintenance itself, this video series always leaves a little room for improvement and perfection looms ahead like a big carrot you’ll never nibble. Although I‘d absolutely, unconditionally, recommend it to anyone I know, there’s a curious omission in Touring Edition. It covers Twin Cam models primarily (and thoroughly) as mentioned, but also tosses in Evo stuff where such stuff differs from TC bikes. (For instance brakes.) YET- nowhere is ignition timing mentioned or dealt with! Understandable on the Twin Cam’s since there’s naught you can do about it anyway, but puzzling for it’s absence in the Evo segments.

A quick conversation with Dennis (the producer) clarified the strategy, if not the tactic: FMH is likely to produce separate in-depth instructional videos, shedding badly needed light on some basic “systems” such as exhaust, induction and … ignitions. But first, they need to get their Sportster and Dyna Glide videos done! Suffice to say, I’m ready when they are!

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