Bleeding ABS Brakes

Question for Fix My Hog What is the difference in bleeding the brakes on a non ABS brake system and an ABS system? Can I bleed the brakes on an ABS system at the house or do I need to take it to the dealership?

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Fix My Hog Answers Bleeding ABS brakes can be a little more challenging but the process is virtually the same. It is important to use a quality brake bleeding tool like the Phoenix Injector. An injection tool is more beneficial because it allows you to push fluid from the calipers, up. Air, naturally moves up. Vacuum tools pull fluid & air downward. Avoid pushing air into the module. You can do this by leaving the banjo fitting(s) loose at the module while pushing fluid up from the calipers. Once you feel you have filled the lines (& master cylinder) thoroughly, you can begin pumping & bleeding.

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2 Responses to “Bleeding ABS Brakes”

  1. John

    What's the best way to remove Harley / S&S compensating sprocket nut

  2. Bob Cuculich

    Then why does H-D, and the service manuals, state that ABS brakes must be bled using the Harley digital technician tool? Does it have to do with opening & closing valves in the ABS module electronically?